About This Blog

This blog shall contain my musings about pop culture, movies, novels, television shows, music, and anything else that attracts my attention. Although I am a professional semiotician, and a highly trained academic, I shall attempt to insure that what is written here will be neither stuffy, nor exceptionally obscure. Of course, this does not mean that I will be dumbing down the content, only that I will try to speak to the masses in something approaching their own language.

In other words, Herr Prof. Dr. B. P. von Korncrake is in the hizzouse!

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Most Highly Recommended

I wrote the introduction to this masterpiece, so you know it must be very good.

Von Korncrake's Favorites

Below are a few items I commend to you on grounds of merit.

Movies Worth Seeing

Books Worth Reading

Television Worth Watching

Music Worth Hearing

On the List

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